
Monday 30 September 2013

Audience Survey

Click here to take survey

As a part of my research for my magazine coursework, I produced a survey on the website survey monkey to collect some information on what people think I should include in my magazine, the genre I should use and the type of artists that they would like to hear about. (also a lot more!) By producing a survey, I was able to collect my results and help me produce some ideas as to what their ideal music magazine would be like.

When thinking about what questions I was to ask the questionees, I had to think about the style of question that I would ask and the mode in which they would be able to answer. For example, most of my questions are quantitative responses, which means that they have different boxes to choose from and the results are a percentage. However, I did include a question which would give me a qualitative response at the end of the survey where I asked responders for their three favourite music artists, this gave me a response where they would have to type in an answer; there was not a given option.

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